Rule Book


The yearly cost of the league is $200. This amount is due at the conclusion of the previous season. Any team not paid by Super Bowl Sunday of the current season will be considered abondoned and further action (including team replaceemnt) may be taken. For example the 2023 payment is due at the conclusion of the 2022 season. The next season will not start until all teams have paid. The money collected will be paid out with the following schedule;

Place Payout
1st Place $1,480.00
2nd Place $600.00
3rd Place $200.00
Dynasty Pot $120.00

Dynasty Pot

$10 from every payment is put into a Dynasty Pot. This is paid out when a team wins two years in a row. If a team wins two years in a row the pot resets.

For example if a team win two years in a row, they are paid the Dynasty Pot in addition to the 1st Place payout. The team will then have to win two seasons in a row again to win the Dynasty Pot. Winning a third year in a row will not win the Dynasty Pot again.

Trading Futures

This league allows for trading future draft picks. To maintain the integrity of the league, if you trade a future draft pick, the buy in for the pick traded is due at the time of the trade. This is to prevent someone from selling the future of their team and leaving the league.

For example, if we are in the 2023 season and you trade one of your draft picks in 2024 and 2025, you now owe the buy in of $600 ($200 for 2023, $200 for 2024, $200 for 2025).

League Roll Over

The league will be rolled over for the next season after the Super Bowl and all teams have paid league buy in. Once the league has been rolled over for the new season, all waivers will be on the off season schedule. No rookies are able to be added to the team until after the Rookie Draft.


Each team has a roster of 10 Starters, 9 Bench, 3 IR, and 6 Taxi Squad. For a team to participate in off-season transactions (trades and waivers) they must have a roster constructed within these limits. Before the first NFL game of the season, all teams must be in compliance with the roster constraints.

Off Season Waivers Schedule

Day FA Waivers Locked
Monday   X  
Tuesday     X
Wednesday     X
Thursday     X
Friday     X
Saturday   X  
Sunday   X  

In Season Waivers Schedule

Day FA Waivers Locked
Monday     X
Tuesday     X
Wednesday   X  
Thursday   X  
Friday   X  
Saturday X    
Sunday X    

Free Agent Acquisition Budget (FAAB)

Each team is given a $1000 Free Agent Acquisition Budget. This budget will be used for all off-season and in-season waiver claim.

When making a waiver claim you will blind bid using your available FAAB for the player you wish to add. Highest bid will win the waiver claim for that player.

FAAB may also be used in trades.

FAAB will reset at the end of each season. FAAB does not carry over from year to year. Whatever you don’t use in the current season is lost.

Taxi Squad

Each team has a Taxi Squad of 6 players. Players are only eligible for the Taxi Squad if they are in their first 3 years of the NFL.

During the off-season, eligible players may be added and removed from the Taxi Squad at will.

In season, players may no longer be added to the Taxi Squad. You are allowed to move a playing from the Taxi Squad to your active bench. You may not move a different player to your Taxi Squad though.


Trading between teams is allowed during the season and off-season. Trading is suspended from week 12 to the end of the season. Every trade has a 24 hour review period after being accepted by each team involved in the trade. This 24 hour period can be waived if each team involved in the trade messages the commissioner to push the trade through. The 24 hours review is only to prevent mistakes, not stop trades from happening.

Trading is allowed with roster players, draft picks (up to three years in advance), and FAAB.

In Season Play


Each week, every team has a chance to earn 2 wins for their team. 1 win/loss will be given for the head to head match up each week. 1 win/loss will be given to each team based on median score. The top 6 scoring teams for the week will receive a win. The bottom six scoring teams for the week will receive a loss.

Playoff Schedule

The playoffs will also begin 4 weeks prior to the end of the NFL season. The championship game is played the second to last week of the NFL season. For example during an 18 week NFL regular season, the leagues playoff games will begin week 15 and the championship game will be week 17.

The top 6 teams, determined by win/loss record, will make the playoffs. The 6 teams with the worst record will be entered into a consolation playoff bracket.

Consolation Bracket

The consolation bracket will run in unison with the league playoffs. Consisting of the 6 teams with the worst regular season record. Order in finish in consolation bracket will be used to determine draft order.

Draft and Draft Order

The draft will be scheduled after the NFL draft has concluded and only include rookie draft picks.

The draft order is determined by the team’s finish in the playoff and consolation bracket finishes the previous year.

Pick Playoff Bracket Finish Consolation Bracket Finish
1   1st
2   2nd
3   3rd
4   4th
5   5th
6   6th
7 5th  
8 6th  
9 4th  
10 3rd  
11 2nd  
12 1st  

Rule Changes and Voting

Nothing is perfect and rules will change. Any suggestion or idea for a rule change can be brought up in the group chat or communicated with the commissioner.

If there is enough interest, the rule will go to a vote. Only the commissioner can hold a vote for a rule change.

Voting is decided my majority. 8 out of the 12 members are needed for any rule change to pass.